Hello and welcome!

If your looking at my little slice of the net here you’re PROBABLY a new Mabinogi player looking for tips and tricks to help acclimate you to the world of Mabinogi.

Well you are in luck friends, because Mabinogi had become a very beginner friendly place!

First allow me to introduce myself. I’m Keichan1 of the Ruairi server, proud member of the guild Oddblock. I’ll be teaching you some basic things that will make your Mabi life WAY easiermabinogi_2014_10_26_001

Now seeing as this is my very first blog, and is supposed to be a helpful guide to you guys I’ll try to keep this relatively simple. That being said I’m need to say a few things.

  1. I’m NOT perfect. If you see something in the blog/guide you don’t agree with, relax. I’m just explaining MY method. You don’t have to follow it, it’s a guide, not orders.
  2. I can’t promise that I won’t spoil things in the main storyline. I will do my best to make sure I label any spoilable parts. After that if you keep reading it’s your own dang fault.
  3. I’m not a master of this game. Not by any stretch. At the time I’m starting this blog I’m total level 2471. That may seem like a lot of levels, but being a jack of all trades and a player since the start of Generation 3 Dark Knight (which was a long time ago) I’ve been an on again off again player, and my skill set is scattered. I’m NOT terribly powerful and I still have generation story lines that I have not completed yet.

Keeping those points in mind I’m going to leave this post at where we are now and start the actual guide posts.

Here is where I’m going to list coming sections of the guide

  • Starting out: Your guide to gear, gold, and Tir Chronaill
  • Extreme Sports: Rafting, Hot Air Ballooning, and Ancient Hunting – tips, tricks, and strategies to a few of the more lucrative passed times of Mabinogi
  • Dungeon Delver: Some basic little bits of advice to recall when you decide that you’re looking for some hard won treasure (and how to make sure you don’t walk out missing your butt.)
  • A Combat Talent List Straight from the Odd Academy: Oddblock’s Odd Academy helps explain the ins and outs of the different talents, written by Oddblock’s very own Galaxis (To which I will be adding my own comments about)
  • Interviews from the Dunbarton: Kei storms Dunby to find interesting people to give you their personal tips and tricks for making your way in Mabinogi!

Can’t wait to jump on into this! See you all soon!